A unique partnership in New Zealand to enhance soil health

Danone is teaming up with, Synlait, science provider AgResearch and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to measure the impact of regenerative agriculture practices on soil health on farms across New Zealand.

Cows in a field

Why does healthy soils matter?

Healthy soils improve the natural capacity of soil to sustain plants, animals, and humans. However, assessment of soil health on farms is not routinely measured in New Zealand, and so practical tools are needed to help farmers understand the detailed state of the soils and how best to manage them. As well as on-farm production and performance, improved soil health is expected to benefit the wider environment with improved fresh water and nutrient outcomes, support for biodiversity, enhanced soil carbon storage and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. 

The project

This five-year project will study soil health on 10 farms in Waikato, Canterbury and Otago. Two paddocks on each of the 10 farms will be dedicated to comparing conventional practices and regenerative practices, focusing on greater pasture diversity and reduced nitrogen fertilizer use.


This partnership is one example of our worldwide initiatives to support farmers in their transition to regenerative agriculture practices, by providing solid guidance based on scientific evidence.


It is also a pioneering step to build new farming models that help mitigate climate change, restore soil quality and secure farmer welfare, all while preserving the quality of New Zealand dairy. We are proud to bring our expertise and contribution.